Monday, September 28, 2009

The Vampire's Assitant

Fans of Darren Shan will be happy to find out that there is going to be a movie base on the popular book,DARREN SHAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!The movie is a combination of the first three books on the vampire saga.I know people like Yusuf,Ting Swan and myself will want to go watch it.Haha i so excited.By the way,it hits cinema in like 23 october.However i not 100 percent sure will be flim in Singapores cinema.Better pray it does.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Upcoming Guitar Covers

Here are some of the guitar covers that will come out soon at no particular order.This is provided that Yusuf can come my house on Saturday.If he can come,i will definitely make some of these guitar covers.The meaning of remaster is to make a better one than before.
-Welcome To Paradise(Green Day)
-Gotta be Somebody(Nikelback)
-Animal I have Become(3 Days Grace)
-Nothingtown(The Offspring)
-Master Of Puppets(Metallica)
-Canon Rock(Jerry C)
-Killing Loneliness(Redo/Remaster)
-Know Your Enemy(Remaster)
-Hollywood Whore(Remaster)

Monday, September 14, 2009

Do You Guys Like Green Day?! F**K Yeah

Was stumbling my PSP just now to look for songs to make guitar covers.I realized that Green Day has lots of albums.About 6.Decided that i could make Green Day Guitar covers starting from the older album to the newer ones.The first song i would "probably" play is Welcome To Paradise.
I use the word "probably" because i have been saying i want do this guitar cover and that guitar cover but still have not done any.....but anyway, here's GREEN DAY FOR YOU....

Music project day 2/3

Went to East Coast Park for music project yesterday.
Zu xian Yawn

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Twin Brothers

Synster Gates and Zacky Vengeance.Although they are not really twins or brothers,they form a perfect combination.If you have seen their lives,you would have seen them playing back to back to each other during solos.This is only possible to achieve if one of the guitarist is left-handed.Avenged Sevenfold,my second favorite band after My Chemical Romance.Let me introduce their members........
This is Synyster Gates.He plays the lead guitar and back vocals.His weapon of choice,which is very famous,is the Schecter Custom.In my opinion,every A7X fan should try to get one of these guitars.
The Schecter Custom
Zacky Vengeance
This guy here is Zacky Vengeance.I like his name,i like his guitar and i think he is cute.He is my favorite band member from A7x.He plays the rhythm guitar and backing vocals(high).His backing vocals are really great,should really check out their live performances,especially at LBC.He wield a fucking cool guitar,Vengeance Blade.A guitar i would really like to own.
The Vengeance Blade
M.Shadows(Matthew Charles Sanders)
Next is Matthew Sanders a.ka M.Shadow.He plays the piano and is the lead vocal of the band.Usually in live performance,the lead vocal is usually the one who brings the whole band down.Not in this case.
The Rev(James Owen Sullivan)
The Rev a.ka James Owen.He plays the drum and vocal.If you notice their live performance,you will realize his voice is very gay.Hence the band always let him sings the girl parts.Even though he sounds like a girl(not kidding),he is good.
Johnny Christ
This guy play the bass guitar.He is the band fourth bassist.To me the bassist is like the least important part of the band.If your attitude sux,prepare to get kick out of the band.As bassist are highly replaceable,i dont think this guy here will last long too

Monday, September 7, 2009

Site Was Down

Sorry for not making any progress or guitar covers these few weeks.My computer crash.........zzzzzzzzz.But now i got a new com or a old com because it was used by my father before this.Really happy i can finally use the computer.I hope to make another guitar cover before term 4 week 2.....................